Reusing Web-Enabled Actuators from a Semantic Space-Based Perspective
Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Íñigo Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña
Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, July 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/IMIS.2014.45 .
Ubiquitous Computing is characterized by heterogeneous devices of a dynamic nature. So far, semantics and space-based computing have been widely applied to cope with both aspects. However, the integration of these devices with the web has gained momentum in the last years. Therefore, the seamless reuse of these web-enabled devices drastically increases the actuation possibilities of any application. This paper explores how semantic space-based applications can perform the aforementioned reuse. This exploration is guided by the implementation of a scenario. The scenario shows a neat interoperation between nodes from both worlds: space-based computing and the web. In addition, the generalization of the proposed solution poses new challenges to be tackled.