PARTM: Development of a new Remote Access Port for Machines with Built-in Remote Control Receivers
As part of the PARTM project we developed a scalable platform to monitor and manage IKUSI's industrial remote controls and the machines that
FAlink: Digital platform to remotely monitor press machines
FORGE: Forging Online Education through FIRE
mCloud: advanced migration of applications to cloud computing
ADIZAIN: Monitor Inteligente de superficies comerciales
TALIS+ENGINE: Razonamiento Híbrido Cooperativo y Semántico para la Orquestación de Servicios en Entornos Asistenciales
Future Internet II
THOFU: Tecnologías del Hotel del Futuro
CROSen!: Comunicación, Razonamiento, Orquestación y Socialización para la creación de Ecosistemas de Objetos Inteligentes
ACROSS: Auto-configurable robots for social services
ISMED: Intelligent Semantic Middleware for Embedded Devices