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Iván Gutiérrez-Agüero, Sergio Anguita, Xabier Larrucea, Aitor Gomez-Goiri, Borja Urquizu. Burnable Pseudo-Identity: A Non-Binding Anonymous Identity Method for Ethereum. In IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 108912-108923, 2021, Doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3101302.

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Alexander Mikroyannidis, Aitor Gomez-Goiri, Andrew Smith, John Domingue. PT Anywhere: a mobile environment for practical learning of network engineering. Interactive Learning Environments pp. 1–15.

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Alexander Mikroyannidis, Aitor Gomez-Goiri, Andrew Smith, John Domingue. Online experimentation and interactive learning resources for teaching network engineering. In: 2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (25-28 Apr 2017, Athens, Greece) (pp. 181-188)

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Daniela Ventura, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Vincenzo Catania, Diego López-de-Ipiña, J. A. M. Naranjo, L. G. Casado. Security analysis and resource requirements of group-oriented user access control for hardware-constrained wireless network services. Logic Journal of the IGPL, Vol.24, No.1, pp.80–91, 2016.
DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzv045.

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John Domingue, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Aitor Gomez-Goiri, Andrew Smith, Daan Pareit, Jono Vanhie-Van Gerwen, Christos Tranoris, Kostas Lampropoulos, Guillaume Jourjon, Olivier Fourmaux, Mohammed Yasin Rahman. Forging Online Education through FIRE. iBook, 2015.
ISBN: 978-1-4730-2016-0.

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Alexander Mikroyannidis, Aitor Gomez-Goiri, John Domingue, Daan Pareit, Jono Vanhie-Van Gerwen, Johann M. Marquez-Barja. Deploying learning analytics for awareness and reflection in online scientific experimentation. In 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning (ARTEL) colocated with 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World (EC-TEL 2015), 15 September 2015, Toledo, Spain.

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Pablo Orduña, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Luis Rodriguez-Gil, Javier Diego, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Javier Garcia-Zubia. wCloud: Automatic generation of WebLab-Deusto deployments in the Cloud. In 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV), pp.223–229, February 2015, Bangkok , Thailand. DOI: 10.1109/REV.2015.7087296.

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Íñigo Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña. Reusing Web-Enabled Actuators from a Semantic Space-Based Perspective. Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, July 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/IMIS.2014.45 .

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri. Semantic Tuple Spaces for Constrained Devices: A Web-compliant Vision. PhD thesis, Universidad de Deusto, June 16th, 2014.

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Íñigo Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña. Energy-aware Architecture for Information Search in the Semantic Web of Things. International Journal of Web and Grid Services, Vol.10, No.2/3, pp.192–217, 2014.
ISSN: 1741-1106. DOI: 10.1504/IJWGS.2014.060252.

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Pablo Orduña, Javier Diego, Diego López-de-Ipiña. Otsopack: Lightweight semantic framework for interoperable ambient intelligence applications. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 30, Pages 460-467, January 2014, ISSN 0747-5632. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2013.06.022.

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J. A. M. Naranjo, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Pablo Orduña, Diego López-de-Ipiña, L. G. Casado. Extending a User Access Control Proposal for Wireless Network Services with Hierarchical User Credentials. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems, CISIS 2013, Salamanca, Spain, September 11-13, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-319-01853-9. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01854-6_61

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J. A. M. Naranjo, Pablo Orduña, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña, L. G. Casado. Enabling user access control in energy-constrained wireless smart environments. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Volume 19, number 17, Pages 2490-2505, November 2013.

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Pablo Orduña, Xabier Larrakoetxea, David Buján, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Ignacio Angulo, Olga Dziabenko, Luis Rodriguez-Gil, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Javier Garcia-Zubia. WebLab-Deployer: exporting remote laboratories as SaaS through federation protocols. REV2013: 10th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation. Sydney, Australia, 6 - 8 February 2013.

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J. A. M. Naranjo, Pablo Orduña, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña, L. G. Casado. Lightweight User Access Control in Energy-Constrained Wireless Network Services. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, UCAmI 2012, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, December 3-5, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-642-35376-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35377-2_5

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri and Diego López-de-Ipiña. Assessing data dissemination strategies within Triple Spaces on the Web of Things. Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), pp.763-769, Palermo, Italy, July 4-6, 2012. DOI: 10.1109/IMIS.2012.120.

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Pablo Orduña, Diego López-de-Ipiña and Javier Diego. Otsopack: Lightweight Framework for Ambient Intelligence Applications. 5th World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2012), June 20-22, 2012, Rome, Italy

Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Pablo Orduña and Diego López-De-Ipiña. RESTful Triple Spaces of Things. Third International Workshop on the Web of Things (WoT 2012). Newcastle, UK, June 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1603-3. DOI: 10.1145/2379756.2379761

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Eduardo Castillejo, Pablo Orduña, Xabier Laiseca, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Diego López de Ipiña, Sergio Fínez. Distributed Semantic Middleware for Social Robotic Services. Robot 2011 - III Workshop de Robótica: Robótica Experimental. Seville, Spain. Nov, 2011

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Pablo Orduña, David Ausín, Mikel Emaldi and Diego López-de-Ipiña. Collaboration of Sensors and Actuators through Triple Spaces. In IEEE Sensors 2011, pages 651-654. Limerick, Ireland, October 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9290-9.

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña. On the complementarity of Triple Spaces and the Web of Things. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Web of Things, WoT 11, pages 12:1–12:6. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0624-9. New York, NY, USA, 2011.

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Eduardo Castillejo, Pablo Orduña, Xabier Laiseca, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Sergio Fínez. Easing the Mobility of Disabled People in Supermarkets Using a Distributed Solution. Third International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2011). Málaga, Spain, June 2011.

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Xabier Laiseca, Eduardo Castillejo, Pablo Orduña, Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Ester Gonzalez-Aguado. Distributed Tracking System for Patients with Cognitive Impairments. Third International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2011). Málaga, Spain, June 2011.

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Mikel Emaldi-Manrique, Diego López-de-Ipiña. A Semantic Resource Oriented Middleware for Pervasive Environments. UPGRADE journal, 2011, Issue No. 1: 5-16. February 2011. ISSN: 1684-5285

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Mikel Emaldi-Manrique, Diego López-de-Ipiña. Middleware Semántico Orientado a Recursos para Entornos Ubicuos. NOVATICA journal, (209): 9–16. ISSN: 0211-2124. February 2011. (artículo finalista VI Edición del premio NOVATICA)

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Pablo Orduña, Aitor Almeida, Unai Aguilera, Xabier Laiseca, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Aitor Gómez-Goiri. Identifying Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection attacks in the Semantic Query Languages. Actas de las VI Jornadas Científico-Técnicas en Servicios Web y SOA JSWEB 2010. p. p. 43 - 50. Valencia, Spain. September 2010. ISBN: 9 78-84-92812-59-2.

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Aitor Gómez-Goiri, Diego López-de-Ipiña. A Triple Space-Based Semantic Distributed Middleware for Internet of Things. In Florian Daniel and Federico Facca, editors, Current Trends in Web Engineering, volume 6385 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 447-458. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, July 2010. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16985-4_43.

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