Identifying Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection attacks in the Semantic Query Languages
Pablo Orduña, Aitor Almeida, Unai Aguilera, Xabier Laiseca, Diego López-de-Ipiña, Aitor Gómez-Goiri
Actas de las VI Jornadas Científico-Técnicas en Servicios Web y SOA JSWEB 2010. p. p. 43 - 50. Valencia, Spain. September 2010. ISBN: 9 78-84-92812-59-2.
As new challenges motivated by the Semantic Web get resolved, the need for getting protected against new types of security flaws becomes critical. In the Semantic Web the old and well-known vulnerabilities reappear with all the power of the new semantic mechanisms. This semantic mechanisms offer new and dangerous possibilities to malicious users. For this reason it is important for the developers to know and prevent the vulnerabilities in their applications. In this paper we analyze the possibilities of injection attacks in the most used semantic query / update languages (SPARQL/SPARUL).